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Putting a playful spin on the classic tale of love and revenge, Men in Tights is perhaps the pinnacle of Brooks’ attempts at parodying the genres that influenced his filmmaking, down to the goofy, Old Hollywood style musical number about having to be a man to pull off wearing tights. But perhaps one of his best - and most overlooked - is 1993’s Robin Hood: Men in Tights, featuring Hollywood heartthrob Cary Elwes as the titular archer. The name Mel Brooks is ubiquitous in the comedy world, with the ninety-five-year-old writer/director/actor having busted the boundaries of genre barriers (say that five times fast) with films like Spaceballs, Blazing Saddles, and History of the World: Part I.

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David ShapiroĬast: Cary Elwes, Roger Rees, Richard Lewis, Amy Yasbeck, Dave Chappelle, Eric Allan Kramer, Tracey Ullman

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