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Twitter can also be a good place to meet LGBTQ+ friends of all ages. Most Tumblr users are in their teens and early 20s.

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There are even some Tumblr blogs dedicated to finding LGBT friends. But if you start following LGBTQ+ blogs you like, send a message. Search 'LGBTQ' + or Queer Exchange to find groups of queer people in your area. It’s still possible for people to conceal their identity or present a false identity through Facebook, but it’s a little harder, and there are usually more red flags (an empty profile, no pictures, no friends). One of the easiest ways to meet LGBTQ+ people online is through Facebook.

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There’s nothing more affirming than having a group of queer friends, but if you’re struggling to meet people (or are, you know, stuck inside quarantining because of an ongoing global pandemic), try finding friends online!ġ.) Find friends through Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr The hard part is just actually finding them. Whether you’re in a small town or a major city, there are other LGBTQ+ people near you.

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